Hello, it is we, arisen from Nirvana and drilling dust... again.
Today, I have reached Nirvana.
I started my day with a improvised green-smoothie which tasted surprisingly tasty! Still have to work on it a little, but as soon as we have a nice recipe, we're obviously going to post it here ;)
Then, a friend of mine had a coupon for a spa-visit, called the "Hamam Palace".
To get there we had to take a journey to "Wilhemsburg" (unfortunately, not in New York) and is another part of Hamburg I hadn't discovered yet.
It's in the south and there's a lot of industry, but since about two years, it's renewing itself, offering more and more affordable flats, so more students can move there (we actually considered moving there, too).

"Hamam" is a kind of Turkish sauna where you pour hot water over your body and lie on heated stones until every kind of tension completely falls off our body. You can get massages there, too, but I was set for now.
Afterwards we even got tea and a fruit-plate (I was so relaxed, I even drank tea... And I really, really don't like tea! And it was delicious!) and felt like we were floating outside of our bodies~
Definitely going to return!
Later, after preparing a birthday cake (Yes, detox went as fast as it came) we decided to work a little on Lou's room and smash his shelve on the wall...
It didn't really work though, somehow it's tilted and won't really stay on the wall. And we were too annoyed to further deal with the problem, so we decided to postpone it until tomorrow.. haha
Nothing really special today, we try to keep our lives interesting!

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