Saturday, March 8, 2014

International Women's Day // Because 2.5l vanilla ice-cream doesn't seem enough

Hello, it is we, arisen from drilling dust with ice-cream smeared on our faces!

As we already mentioned our post yesterday, we both don't have curtains yet. And my window is the one facing the bus stop. So my father and I were always talking about a date to do that and kept rescheduling... Until I decided today to just woman-up and do it myself. I mean, come on, it's international women's day - there just is no better time!

As you may see - I was successful ( there was a lot of cursing and yelling during the process though... Apparently it's just something I need to do when it comes to doing stuff in the apartment... )

We don't know about y'alls weather conditions, but we've had a pretty delightful day! It was warm (up to 16 degrees) and since we have a car for the weekend, we decided to do one-week's shopping within one hour of free parking time ( needless to say we failed )... 

AND THEN (because we clearly aren't shoving enough food in us already) we saw this 2.5l vanilla ice-cream box winking at us from the freezer... It didn't take too long until we were convinced. 

It was the perfect weather to welcome the ice-cream season by having some on our little balcony. We hope you can enjoy the weather wherever you live, too and never forget - a spoon of sweetness a day, keeps the sorrow away ;)

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa
