Monday, March 24, 2014

Future plans // DOM!

Hello, it is we, arisen from anger and frustration.

Sorry for not posting for such a long time, but we've been running from a to b to f to g and weren't able to find a minute of peace.

AND our internet is a bitch. Don't we all know this problem? How is your connection in other countries? 'Cause in Germany it just sucks. Things like this don't happen in Asia. Grr.

Our weekend was quite pleasant. Despite the disgusting weather we went outside and fought like strong independent women..kind of. Since Nara is unsure about her future plans (who isn't..) we decided to attend an open campus day at the KLU in the Hafencity on saturday. Being able to get lots of free food was reason enough for Lou to join the party :D Unfortunately we forgot to take pictures of the beautiful building, but maybe Nara will be able to take a lot of pictures once she's enrolled :D 
In the evening a dear friend of ours came to spend quality time with us lonely souls. We had a blast laughing at anything, even at the grocery store we were goofier than 3 teenage girls after a Westlife concert ;) The next morning we headed out to the Hamburger Dom which is an anual fun fair at the Heiligengeistfeld in Hamburg. We had a stroll in the rain (duh, Hamburg- actually it was hailing, even..) and ate some unhealthy food! Then we went to a café and discussed important life questions. We actually planned to go to another café which offers so many cute pastries, but it was crowded like walmart on black friday y'all. :D So maybe next time- then we'll be there with our camera ;)
Hope you're having a splendid time wherever you live- 
Lot's of love,

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